Pine Tree Quilts of Vermont

Patchwork tops and wall quilts

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Log Cabin - Barn Raising quilt top (1" logs)

37" x 37"

Top only - $50.
Machine quilted - $85.
Hand quilted - $100.

Log Cabin- Ohio Star - 1/2" logs
25" x 25"

Top only - $40.
Machine quilted - $75.
Hand quilted - $95.

other Log Cabin tops

Evening Shadows Wall Quilt
34" x 34"

Top only - $250.
Machine quilted - $350.
Hand quilted - $500.

Log Cabin - Barn Raising - 1/2" logs
36" x 36"

Top only - $75.
Machine quilted - $125.
Hand quilted - $150.

Kaleidoscope Wall Quilt - over 2000 pieces
32" x 32" - $800.00

Close up of Kaleidoscope
Each triangle is 3/4" on a side